365.415 € Total Budget Program : Social Justice Services for Low-Educated Adult Migrants KA2 – Strategic Partnerships Supporting Innovation (Adult education field) PROJECT NUMBER : 2020-1-IT02-KA204-079842 Total Budget : € 365.415,00 Duration : 33 months Coordinator: Ilmiolavaro-Srl (IT) Partners: Institutul Roman de Educatie a Adultilor-IREA (RO) Stiftelsen Kursverksamheten Vid U-Auniversitet -Fu (SE) Lietuvos suaugusiuju svietimo asociacija-LSSA (LT) Psientífica - Associação para a promoção e desenvolvimento social (PT) Bursa Valiligi (TR) CPIA Teramo (IT) Agrupamento de Escolas Águeda Sul -AEAS (PT) Bursa Aile Calisma ve Sosyal Hizmetler Il Mudurlugu (TR) General Objective: The general objective is to improve the quality of lifelong guidance services (aimed at migrant adults with low skills), specifically addressing the dimensions related to educators' social justice competences, identified as the "fifth force" in guidance counseling (Ratts, 2009 , p. 160). Specific Objectives: Specific objectives: • 1) enhance understanding of social justice in lifelong guidance practice; • 2) develop common and mutually recognizedframework for referencing the educator's competences focused on social justice in guidance; • 3)increase skills of adult educators to implement quality and more effective guidance practices in Upskilling Pathways (2016/C 484/01); • 4)strength the targeted guidance aimed at reaching people who need special motivation (2016 / C484/01). Project target group The project target group is : Educators and Adult education staff who have guidance roles The main beneficiaries are migrant adults(over 16 years old) with low qualification. Three Intellectual outputs will be developed: - EQF-Social justice-focused competences Profile for guidance aimed at low-educated adult migrants (IO1); -OER-Pilot Learning Curriculum for social justice-focused guidance (IO2). They will be tested by Adult education centers PP in order to evaluate their effectiveness and impact on the beneficiaries. From the insights and further knowledge that emerged during the Pilot Test, which will also see the carrying out of Critical Service Learning paths, a Handbook of social justice-focused guidance practices (IO3) will be developed.
Social Justice Services for Low-Educated Adult Migrants