IO1-EQF/Profile of competences of social justice-focused educator in guidance of migrant adults

IO1 aims to define a guidance practioner profile (educator/ counsellor) specialized on

social justice-based guidance practices.

The profile will be developed through the identification of competence sets; within each competence set the related specific will be identified: specific competencies/ attitudes / knowledge / skills. The competence sets will be developed according to the principles and processes of social justice, and they will include three domains:  1) individual dimension (e.g. self-awareness of beliefs and attitudes that impact on the process and results of guidance); 2) meso dimension: guidance relationship with the migrant adult; 3) macro dimension: guidance as an advocacy interventions at the level of the adult education organizations, local community, territory.

The development of a profile corresponding to the level 4 of the EQF aims to provide a shared and transferable conceptual frame, despite the strong internal, into the countries involved in the project (IT;LT; PT;RO;SE;TR) and external, among countries involved, inhomogeneities.

 EN_Competencies Profile of social justice-focused educator in guidance of adult migrants (IO1)

IT_Profilo delle competenze dell'educatore_educatrice orientato_a alla giustizia sociale nell'orientamento di adult migranti (IO1)

LT_Andragogo profilis (IO1)

PT_Perfil de competências do educador centrado na justiça social na orientação de migrantes adultos (IO1)

RO_Profilul de competențe al educatorului orientat spre justiție sociala in orientarea migranților adulți(IO1)

SE_Kompetensprofil för utbildare med fokus på social rättvisa i vägledning av vuxna migranter (IO1)

TR_Yetişkin göçmenlerin rehberliğinde sosyal adalet odaklı eğitimcinin yeterlilik profili (IO1)